Search Results | joshua reynolds

Your search for "joshua reynolds" returned 13 results

8 Funky Fads of the 1970s

Put on that leisure suit and turn on some disco -- the 70s are back. At least here they are. Check out these 8 funky fads of the 1970s.

The Bizarre Link Between van Gogh's Signature Yellow and Cow Urine

The bright yellow hue used to great effect by van Gogh and other painters was eventually outlawed, as it was made of urine from dehydrated cows.

How Well Do You Know European Paintings?

PERFECTION! How well do you know the greatest works of the European master painters? Tilt your beret at a jaunty angle, take up your palette and click!

¿Qué tan bien conoces estas pinturas europeas?

¡PERFECCIÓN! ¿Qué tan bien conoces las obras de los grandes pintores europeos? ¡Inclina tu boina, toma tu paleta de colores y haz clic!

Do You Know if This Celebrity Is Canadian?

Hockey, maple syrup, over-apologizing, skiing and beer. These are just some of the stereotypical and quintessential Canadian past-times. Many Canucks have infiltrated Hollywood to become big stars, but without an accent, it is virtually impossible to guess which ones are Canadian. Can you? Prove it by taking this quiz!

How Many Classic Movie Musicals Can You Name From an Image?

Get out your jazz hands for this quiz! If you can name all these classic movie musicals from a photo, there's a good chance you have a show tune for every occasion. Will you get them right, or will you be left "Singin' in the Rain?"

How the Battle of Gettysburg Worked

The Battle of Gettysburg is the most famous battle of the Civil War. Learn about the Battle of Gettysburg and the events leading to Gettysburg.

How Many A24 Movies Can You Name From an Image?

In a cinematic landscape crowded with effects-heavy superhero flicks, A24 takes chances the big studios won't! From intense thrillers to poignant dramas, how many movies from this indie powerhouse can you name?

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe reached the heights of fame, yet personal and professional struggles plagued her throughout her life. Learn all about Marilyn Monroe.

Can You Match These Actors to Their 1950s Movies?

Only a major 1950s film buff will know all of these actors! Are you up for the challenge? Warning: Taking this quiz may result in curiosity about a number of classic films you've never seen before.

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